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Rally Live: Grand Prix of South America, Day 17

Rally Live: Grand Prix of South America, Day 17

Piura to Loja

Today we had a quick jaunt out to our two short tarmac timed sections. These sections ran concurrently, both following the path of a canal. Short and sharp, these two sections had formerly been gravel, and had been twisty, following the course of a river. But these tidy Peruvians had straightening and tidied everything up, resulting in exceedingly smooth black tarmac, nearly arrow straight. No problem for all participants to deal with in a suitably straightforward fashion.
It was with a sigh
We waved goodbye
To deepest, darkest Peru
And off to Equador we went.
Arriving at the border crossing, we first presented ourselves, and our cars to the Peruvian authorities. The wonderful Hernan and Sarah had already arrived, and were smoothing our passage through. That completed, we drove the 2km to the Equadorian border (which looked distinctly similar to the Peruvian side), where we had a short wait to pop across to Equador. Well, most of us had a short wait….the three hire car crews required a little more time, and as Harry Jurgens said at breakfast the following day, they were having such a good time at the crossing, they just did not want to leave. Ok, right, as I recall there was only. BBQ shack there…still, no accounting for taste.
Rally Live: Grand Prix of South America, Day 17Our Motorbikes Cross to Equador.
The majority of the field then zoomed off, taking the longer route to Loja, up and over some fast flowing roads, with a fair share of switchbacks on, and an even greater amount of potholes- which were under repair… I guarantee it will be a lovely road next year! I can also confirm that Doris the Demon Driver lived up to her nickname as she hurled her 4×4 up and down this road. However, no one could live with the sparky little Porche Coupe as it screamed it’s way up the hills to Loja….All I can say is that Gerd must have been peckish for his lunch or maybe an ice cream?
We could all though agree that the scenery had altered once again, with lush fields growing rice, bananas and sugarcane, and the tops of the hills shrouded in mist. That mist did turn to rain at one point, and there are reports of the inhabitants of the open top Car 6, Peter and Alexander getting a little…ahem damp! Oops. But they are a hardy pair and recovered quickly.
Rally Live: Grand Prix of South America, Day 17The Misty Mountain of Equador.
Loja itself proved to be a little gem of a place, and the consensus is that a tuc-tuc free city makes for a better nights sleep.
Rally Live: Grand Prix of South America, Day 17